
Otros/Other Blogs


Over the years many myths and legends have been created about the appearances of weird an unexplainable
creatures. Many of these creatures resemble the ancient and mythycal creatures from ancient Greece and some even relate to
celestial and demon creatures. Some of these creatures include the Werewolves, Dragons, Griffin, Phoenix, Big Foot,
Loch Ness Monster (Nessie), Swamp Monster, Angels, Demons, Dwarfs , Vampires, Aliens, Unicorns, Fairies, and many
others. These creaturse have bee known to create weird feelings to the people who sees them. Some feel goosebumps, chills, ,
terror, and some stay in shock after encountering these creatures. Many of the people who see them are declare insane or
people who seek fame and money. Many people believe that they make up these stories and evidence in order to get some
benefit out of them. While some of these stories are consider fake many of these cases has been proven to be true. As
explained before theres a theory tahat states that humans don't have the capacity to invent or create something new. But
in the contrary people use past experiences to explain a success or to describe a new creature. If this theory is correct,
then we can conclude that all of these creatures do exist and are real. Maybe many has become extinct or have learned
to hide very well in nature in order to avoid getting caught. If these craetures can't be found it is probable that they no
longer exist and used to exist in ancient times. But as time has show us we know that this world hides many secrets that
could be the answer to many of our question. Now we can only continue to search, study, or wait until more information
is reveal about these creatures.


These creatures include the Werewolf. Lycanthrophy is the magical ability of a person to
assume the characteristics of a wolf. Werewolf are believe to be people who transform into wolf when the full moon appears.
These people transform into a wolf creature while it maintains some of its human characteristics. Werewolf are cover entirely of fur,
muscles grow, face transforms into that of a wolf but they keep their human height and are able to support themselves in two legs rather
than with four legs.Werewolf are believe to obtain incredible speed, strenght, scent, and night vision. Werewolves are often granted
extra-human strength and senses, far beyond those of both wolves or men.Werewolves are believe to be vulnerable to silver bullets. People
believe that several factors can determine what people are werewolves,these included the meeting of both eyebrows at the bridge of the nose,
curved fingernails, low set ears and a swinging stride. One method of identifying a werewolf in its human form was to cut the flesh of the accused,
under the pretense that fur would be seen within the wound. People are believe to transform into werewolves by being bitten or scratched
by another werewolf, or after being placedunder a curse. Various methods for becoming a werewolf have been reported, one is
to drink rainwater out of the footprint of the werewolf or to drink from certain enchanted streams were also considered effectual modes of
accomplishing metamorphosis. In other cases, the body is rubbed with a magic salve. In Italy, France and Germany, it was said that a man
could turn into a werewolf if he, on a certain Wednesday or Friday, slept outside on a summer night with the full moon shining directly on his face.
Most modern theories describes werewolves as vulnerable to silver weapons and highly resistant to other attacks. Unlike vampires, they are not
generally thought to be harmed by religious artifacts such as crucifixes and holy water.In many countries, rye and mistletoe were considered
effective safeguards against werewolf attacks. Mountain ash is also considered effective, with one Belgian superstition stating that no house was safe
unless under the shade of a mountain ash. In some legends, werewolves have an aversion to wolfsbane.Various methods have existed for removing the
werewolf form. In antiquity, the Ancient Greeks and Romans believed in the power of exhaustion in curing people of lycanthropy. The victim would
be subjected to long periods of physical activity in the hope of being purged of the malady. This practice stemmed from the fact that many alleged
werewolves would be left feeling weak and debilitated after committing depredations. Wile in the medieval Europe, traditionally, there are three
methods one can use to cure a victim of werewolfism; medicinally, surgically or by exorcism. Werewolf have been describe as having some connection
to vampires. Before the end of the 19th century, the Greeks believed that the corpses of werewolves, if not destroyed, would return to life as vampires
in the form of wolves or hyenas which prowled battlefields, drinking the blood of dying soldiers. Therefore, the existance of werewolfes is yet to be
explained whether real or fictional they have created a great interest aamong people.


Another creature believe to be a strange appearance to humans is Big Foot. Big Foot is also known as the Sasquatch, which is a
ape-like creature purportedly inhabiting forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually
described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid. Many believers in its existence contend that the same or similar creatures are found
around the world under different regional names, most prominently the Yeti of the Himalayas. The scientific community considers
Bigfoot to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoaxes, rather than a real creature. Despite these facts, Bigfoot is
one of the more famous examples of cryptids within the study of cryptozoology. Bigfoot descends, more or less, from wildmen
stories of the indigenous population of the Pacific Northwest.Bigfoot is described in reports as a large ape-like creature, ranging
between 610 feet (1.83.0 m) tall, weighing in excess of 500 pounds (230 kg), and covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair.
Alleged witnesses have described large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been
described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla. Bigfoot is commonly reported to have a strong,
unpleasant smell by those who have claimed to have encountered it. The enormous footprints for which it is named have been
as large as 24 inches (61 cm) long and 8 inches (20 cm) wide. While most casts have five toeslike all known apessome casts of
alleged Bigfoot tracks have had numbers ranging from two to six. Some have also contained claw marks, making it likely
that a portion came from known animals such as bears, which have four toes and claws. Proponents have also claimed that
Bigfoot is omnivorous and mainly nocturnal. About a third of all Bigfoot sightings are concentrated in the Pacific Northwest,
with most of the remaining sightings spread throughout the rest of North America. Various types of creatures have been suggested
to explain both the sightings and what type of creature Bigfoot would be if it existed. The scientific community typically attributes
sightings to either hoaxes or misidentification of known animals and their tracks. While cryptozoologists generally explain Bigfoot
as an unknown ape, some believers in Bigfoot attribute the phenomenon to UFOs or other paranormal causes. A minority of
proponents of a natural explanation have attributed Bigfoot to animals that are not apes such as the giant ground sloth.


Another of these creatures includes the Vampire.Vampires are mythological or folkloric undead beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence
(generally in the form of blood) of living creatures. In folkloric tales, vampires often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the
neighbourhoods they inhabited when they were alive. It is difficult to make a single, definitive description of the folkloric vampire, though
there are several elements common to many European legends. Vampires were usually reported as bloated in appearance, and ruddy, purplish,
or dark in colour; these characteristics were often attributed to the recent drinking of blood. Indeed, blood was often seen seeping from the
mouth and nose when one was seen in its shroud or coffin and its left eye was often open. It would be clad in the linen shroud it was buried
in, and its teeth, hair, and nails may have grown somewhat, though in general fangs were not a feature. Other attributes varied greatly from
culture to culture; some vampires, such as those found in Transylvanian tales, were gaunt, pale, and had long fingernails, while those from
Bulgaria only had one nostril, and Bavarian vampires slept with thumbs crossed and one eye open. Moravian vampires only attacked
while naked, and those of Albanian folklore wore high-heeled shoes.As stories of vampires spread throughout the globe to the Americas
and elsewhere, so did the varied and sometimes bizarre descriptions of them: Mexican vampires had a bare skull instead of a head, Brazilian
vampires had furry feet and vampires from the Rocky Mountains only sucked blood with their noses and from the victim's ears. Common
attributes were sometimes described, such as red hair. Some were reported to be able to transform into bats, rats, dogs, wolves, spiders and
even moths. From these various legends, works of literature such as Bram Stoker's Dracula, and the influences of historical bloodthirsty figures
such as Gilles de Rais, Elizabeth Báthory, and Vlad epe, the vampire developed into the modern stereotype. There are some methods to protect
from vampires such as Apotropaicsmundane or sacred items able to ward off revenantssuch as garlic or holy water are common in vampire
folklore. The items vary from region to region; a branch of wild rose and hawthorn plant are said to harm vampires; in Europe, sprinkling
mustard seeds on the roof of a house was said to keep them away. Other apotropaics include sacred items, for example a crucifix, rosary,
or holy water. Vampires are said to be unable to walk on consecrated ground, such as those of churches or temples, or cross running water.
Although not traditionally regarded as an apotropaic, mirrors have been used to ward off vampires when placed facing outwards on a door
(in some cultures, vampires do not have a reflection and sometimes do not cast a shadow, perhaps as a manifestation of the vampire's lack
of a soul). Vampires as well as other mysterious creatures were believe to express suprnatural abilities. Vampires were believe to have
improved strenght, improved speed, improved senses heighten endurance and resistance, mesmiration with eyes, fast healing regeneration,
mind powers and many others.


Another creature is the Loch Ness Monster which it has been named "Nessie".The Loch Ness Monster is a creature believed to inhabit
Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is similar to other supposed lake monsters in Scotland and elsewhere, though its description varies
from one account to the next. Popular interest and belief in the animal has fluctuated since it was brought to the world's attention in 1933.
Evidence of its existence is largely anecdotal, with minimal and much disputed photographic material and sonar readings. The scientific
community regards the Loch Ness Monster as a modern-day myth, and explains sightings as a mix of hoaxes and wishful thinking. Despite
this, it remains one of the most famous examples of cryptozoology. The legendary monster has been affectionately referred to by the diminutive
Nessie. According to the Swedish naturalist and author Bengt Sjögren (1980), present day beliefs in lake monsters such as Nessie are associated
with the old legends of kelpies. He claims that the accounts of loch monsters have changed over the ages, originally describing creatures with a
horse-like appearance; they claimed that the "kelpie" would come out of the lake and turn into a horse. When a tired traveller would get on the
back of the kelpie, it would gallop into the loch and devour its prey. This myth successfully kept children away from the loch, as was its
purpose. Sjögren concludes that the kelpie legends have developed into current descriptions of lake monsters, reflecting modern awareness of
plesiosaurs. In other words, the kelpie of folklore has been transformed into a more "realistic" and "contemporary" notion of the creature.
Believers counter that long-dead witnesses could only compare the creature to that with which they were familiar, and they were not familiar with
plesiosaurs. In 1933 the suggestion was made that the monster "bears a striking resemblance to the supposedly extinct plesiosaur", a long-necked
aquatic reptile that went extinct during the CretaceousTertiary extinction event. At the time this was a popular explanation. In response to these
criticisms, proponents such as Tim Dinsdale, Peter Scott and Roy Mackal postulate a marine creature which has become trapped and has evolved
either from a plesiosaur or to the shape of a plesiosaur by convergent evolution.

Grouping- Cryptid
Sub grouping- Lake monster
Data -First reported 565 (retrospectively),1933 (chronologically)
Last sighted- 2007
Country- Scotland
Region- Loch Ness
Habitat- Water
Status- Unconfirmed


Another creature is the Unicorn believe to be a rare an beuitful mythological creature that is believe to be a greta mystery of this world.
For true believers, the fact that it no longer exists only adds to the mystique; placing it in the same realm as the dinosaurs, the mammoth, and
possibly such unknown creatures as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Others believe the Unicorn still exists in remote regions and can be
discovered only by those of exceptional virtue and honesty.In the meantime, we can marvel at its beauty and pay tribute to its unique place in
the culture and history of the world. The Unicorn is a mythological creature. Though the modern popular image of the unicorn is sometimes
that of a horse differing only in the horn on its forehead, the traditional unicorn also has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and cloven hooves
these distinguish it from a horse. Marianna Mayer has observed (The Unicorn and the Lake), "The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that
does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always
mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and his single horn was said to neutralize poison." In fact in one of his
notebooks Leonardo da Vinci wrote: "The unicorn, through its intemperance and not knowing how to control itself, for the love it bears to fair
maidens forgets its ferocity and wildness; and laying aside all fear it will go up to a seated damsel and go to sleep in her lap, and thus the hunters
take it." The Modern Unicorn is result of many different peoples imaginations. He has changed from the delicate, goat-like creature to one of
simple equine beauty. A beast ridden by a Virgin who he can actually trust not to lead him to the Hunter. He comes in every color and size,
from the purest ivory to the darkest ebony and every shade of the rainbow in between the two. He can have the wings of Pegasus and take the
name of Alicorn, or he can be given the leathery wings of a Demon and be a creature yet unnamed. Todays Unicorn is special to each of his
followers, but he still holds the basic principles of nobility, selflessness, and purity. And he shall always be one of the most beautiful creatures
conceived by the mind of Man. Therefore, the Unicorn is found throughout world legends. His appearance has changed over time as writers
and artists have taken poetic license and used their imaginations. The Myth of the Unicorn can be traced back to early pagan mythology.
Oddly enough, this pagan creature was accepted in Medieval Europe, which was strictly dominated by Christianity, and the Unicorn even
became a symbol of Christ Himself.


The griffin (griffon or gryphon) is a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and often wings of an eagle. As the
lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle was the king of the birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially
powerful and majestic creature. Griffins are normally known for guarding treasure. In antiquity it was a symbol of divine power and a
guardian of the divine. Most contemporary illustrations give the griffin legs like an eagle's legs with talons, although in some older illustrations
it has a lion's forelimbs; it generally has a lion's hindquarters. Its eagle's head is conventionally given prominent ears; these are sometimes
described as the lion's ears, but are often elongated (more like a horse's), and are sometimes feathered. Infrequently, a griffin is portrayed
without wings (or a wingless eagle-headed lion is identified as a griffin); in 15th-century and later heraldry such a beast may be called an alce
or a keythong. In heraldry, a griffin always has forelegs like an eagle's hind legs; the beast with forelimbs like a lion's forelegs was distinguished
by perhaps only one English herald of later heraldry as the opinicus. In heraldry, the griffin's amalgamation of lion and eagle gains in courage
and boldness, and it is always drawn as a powerful fierce monster. It is used to denote strength and military courage and leadership. Griffins
are portrayed with a lion's body, an eagle's head, long ears, and an eagle's claws, to indicate that one must combine intelligence and strength.
In the middle ages, the griffin was considered to be one of the symbols of Christ (two natures in one person), of the Church (the religious and
the secular power) and the pope (the king of all priests). In the heraldry the griffin is very often used, especially in the countries around the
Baltic Sea. The griffin combines the strength of a lion with the speed of an eagle. His shaggy legs have sharp claws. According to the ancient
Greek the griffin came from India, and later from the far North. In the middle ages these myths get a quite different character, when people
tend to believe in its real existence. A is known for the appearance of the giffin: "Once upon a time, three mythical creatures engaged in morta
l combat in th skies above the worl: the dragon, the chimera, and the gryphon the Dragon used fire and his ability to fly to crushing effect, while
while the Chimera looked in all directions at once with his many heads, appearing an invensible enemy. the Gryphon watched his two foe
for a long time, seeking out their strenghts and weaknesses. At last he engaged in conflict. Using his wit and intelligence he lured the Dragon
into the depths of the ocean where his fire was extinguished forever. Burrowing throught the earth beneath the Chimera, the gryphon
atttacked from one direction the Chimera had not expected.The Chimera never recovered from the surprise and was easily vanquished. In this
way a creature thought smaller and weaker than its adversaries won a great victory."


Another of this mythical creatures is the Dragon, which is presented in many ways. Dragons are mythical creatures that appear in many
different cultures and time periods. Dragons have been described as monsters, serpents, reptiles, or beasts. There is something magical
about dragons that has kept our intrigue over many centuries. Dragons are usually thought to have wings and breathe fire. They also
are said to have scales and claws. Some also have horns. Almost always they are said to be venomous. Some dragons may have two or
more heads. They may also have more than one tail. They may have two, four or even more legs; however, most are known to have four
legs. Dragons are said to eat things such as rats, birds, snakes, bats, or even humans, especially children. Dragons are very intelligent
creatures. They live in remote areas, far away from humans, in places that are dark, damp and secluded, such as caves. Dragons were
first thought of as creatures who lived in water. Later they became associated with fire. Sea serpents may have been the first dragons,
and may be the reason for this association. Almost all dragon stories portray the dragon as the villain from whom the hero must protect
the city or the princess. But some dragons can take on the form of the protector. The biggest differences in dragons usually come from
different cultures, especially the cultures of the East and the West. Each culture seems to have their own idea about dragons. Dragons cannot
be put all into one group, as there are so many dragons. Each culture seems to have their own type of dragon, and each of these dragons is
usually very different. Some people have said that dragons once existed, maybe during the time of the dinosaurs. Others believe that dragons
began around the same time the earth began. A few people even claim to have seen a dragon in their life time. Of these people who claim
to have seen one, they usually agree that it was humans who finally defeated the dragons. But most of all, dragons are fascinating, magical
creatures who have captivated our attention for thousands of years. The many different kinds of dragons and the ability for us to use our
imagination to create these creatures only adds to their appeal. Many stories have been told about these great beings and it seems like dragons
are a part of our mythical history. Whether these creatures are or ever were real probably doesn't matter due to the fact that the imagination
can create them in almost any situation. Dragons have often been used in art work. Pictures or sculptures of dragons seem mysterious and
magical. Fashion has found style in these magical creatures, especially in the Eastern dragons. Types of Dragons includes: Black Dragons,
Red Dragons, Blue Dragons, Green Dragons, and White Dragons.
One is the Chinese Dragon, In ancient days the dragon
was regarded as a most sacred animal, and used to be the imperial emblem of Chinese emperors. It is the first of the four Divine Creatures
to Chinese-the others being the unicorn, the phoenix and the tortoise. Unlike the evil dragon the West, the Chinese Dragon is a beneficent
and gracious creature and is worshipped as the divine ruler of Lakes, Rivers and Seas. It is the powerful yet gentle Loong" that brings
rain to the earth, hasten the crops and cools the toiling framer. It is one of the most popular of Chinese art motifs, being sculptured on
stone pillars of Chinese temples and embroidered on beautiful gold and silk tapestries. As imagined by the Chinese, the dragon has the
head of a camel, the horns of a deer, fiery eyes and a long beard. Its ears are like those of a cow, its paws like the tigers and its claws
sharp like an eagles. Its neck is serpentine; it has the belly of a frog and the scales of a carp. The Dragon first appeared in the sky, legend
tells us, while an heir to the throne was born, and the country was blessed with peace and prosperity for many generation thereafter.
Thus, the Dragon also served as a symbol of good fortune.


The Phoenix, is a mythical sacred firebird which originated in the ancient mythologies mentioned in the Egyptian, and later the
Phoenician and the Greek Mythology. A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colourful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet
(or purple and blue, according to some sources). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a
nest of myrrh twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or
phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new phoenix
embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek). The bird
was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being immortal and invincible it is also said that it can heal a person with
a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinit. The Phoenix symbolizes rebirth,
especially of the sun, and has variants in European, Central American, Egyptian and Asian cultures. According to the most popular variant
of the phoenix, the bird lives in Arabia for 500 years at the end of which, it burns itself and its nest. In the version of the phoenix described
by Clement, an ante-Nicene (basically, before Constantine legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire) Christian theologian, the
phoenix' nest is made of frankincense, myrrh and spices. A new phoenix always rises from the ashes. Ancient sources on the mythological
phoenix bird, include Clement, Ovid, Pliny, Tacitus, and Herodotus. The legend of the Phoenix has been around for centuries.
There are a few variations, but the basic idea is this: The Phoenix is a supernatural creature, living for 1000 years. Once that time is over,
it builds its own funeral pyre, and throws itself into the flames. As it dies, it is reborn anew, and rises from the ashes to live another
1000 years. Alternatively, it lays an egg in the burning coals of the fire which hatches into a new Phoenix, and the life cycle repeats.
One theory about the origins of the Phoenix legend is rather bizarre, but may be closer to the truth than some others: The original
'Phoenix' may have been a crow or raven dancing in a dying fire. It sounds strange, but truth is often stranger than fiction.
Ravens and crows have been known to practice a peculiar form of behavior called 'Anting'. The bird will disturb an ant's nest, or sit
over something sweet (like spilled honey or an almost empty soda-pop can), spread out its wings, and allow ants to run up and down its body.
It is thought that the ants give the bird a sort of 'back massage' this way, or that they feast on feather mites which live on the bird and cause
irritation. For whatever reason, they seem to enjoy the sensation and have been known to do it repeatedly. In a similar way, some of these birds
will sit over a hot surface, such as the dying embers of a fire, and spread out their wings. Perhaps they do it for the same reason we sit in a
sauna - they just enjoy the heat - or perhaps they use the intense heat to encourage feather mites to find a different home. Since they won't
talk, it's hard to tell. However, if a bird such as a large raven sits on the embers of a fire, and for some reason chooses to flap its wings (maybe
as a way to cool off, or maybe because it's ready to take to the air) then it could stir the fire to life again. The sudden resurgence of flames
around it would almost certainly cause the bird to take off. And voila - you have a bird rising from the midst of flames and ashes.